How to prevent unpleasant smells from accumulating in your garage? unpleasant smells garage

Every home has its special rooms and spots, where cleanliness and discipline have to be at the highest standard possible. When you think about those, you are probably automatically thinking about your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, or living room. But there is also another special place that you have to pay great attention to on a constant basis. This place is your garage.

The reason why you should pay great attention to this area is that it can be very easy to neglect it and to turn your garage into a place where objects of all kinds are thrown in order to get rid of them. That is, of course, besides keeping your car there. As we all know, cars are a major source of pollution and the substances that are generated because of their use can turn your own garage into a non-hygienic space.

One of the biggest signs of the fact that your garage needs cleaning is the fact that it smells bad. If you feel a funny smell inside your garage, you should definitely have a better look at it and take all of the right measures to clean and prevent unpleasant smells from coming back into your garage. Keep reading this article and you will find out how to do that and what makes a garage smell bad!

What to do in order to avoid bad smell from accumulating in your garage

Once a garage starts smelling bad, there is no other option but to have it properly cleaned. There are multiple factors that can influence the way your garage smells and you have to be very careful about how you deal with it. The safest way is to ask for professional help and on you will be able to find exactly the help that you want if you live in the Greater Fredericksburg Area VA.

Once your garage is clean and everything is where it needs to be, you have to take a few measures in order to avoid the return of the bad smell. Some of these measures are surprising, while others are not unusual at all, but you might forget about them from time to time. Here is what you should do:

1. Secure garbage can lids – this is the least that you can do when it comes to garbage. Ideally, all of the trash should be kept by the side of your house, instead of inside the garage. But on hot days, exposing the garbage to the sunlight is never a good idea, so you might have to keep it inside somehow. But if you do that in your garage, make sure that it is not for too long.

2. Set out containers of baking soda, activated charcoal, undiluted white vinegar, or cat litter – these are elements that can get quite smelly if you decide to keep them in your garage. It is best to have them kept outside and get them taken away as soon as possible.

3. Move hazardous chemicals away – any chemicals, as well as paint cans that were already open, generate a smell that can be very dangerous for your health, especially in a closed space. It is best to move them to an unattached shed, preferably an airy one.

4. Install a ventilation system or exhaust fan – this is the best way to regulate temperature and moisture levels. That means that mold and mildew are discouraged and fumy air is drawn outside of your garage in order for it to keep smelling fresh for as long as possible.

5. Do not leave food inside – elements such as spoiled food or leaking bottles are a huge cause of bad smells. It is best to throw them away from your garage as often as possible, or, even better, to avoid having them there in the first place.

6. Keep everything in order – another great idea is to keep everything well organized. That way, if you feel any weird smell, it will be easy to identify the source and get it fixed.

Why does your garage smell bad?

There are multiple possible sources of bad smells when it comes to garages. Depending on how you decide to treat this area of your home, a bad smell can be caused by:

• Paper products and cardboard products;
• Oil spills;
• Chronic mold;
• Mildew;
• Floor drains, sink drains;
• Cat / Dog litter boxes;
• Fumes from cleaning products, garden chemicals, paint cans, or motor oil;
• Recycling bins and garbage cans.

If you need professional cleaning services for your garage, please contact us and our experts will take care of making your garage fresh and clean again, as soon as possible!

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